PodFest Berlin PASS + Reservations Menu
Fri, Oct 13
|Noisy Rooms at the House of Music
Podcast recordings, workshops, panels... everything. Use this menu to combine passes, tickets and reservations to plan your perfect experience! Click "PASS & SESSION(S)" to see all your options at once! ↓↓↓

Time & Location
Oct 13, 2023, 6:00 PM – Oct 15, 2023, 10:30 PM
Noisy Rooms at the House of Music , Revaler Str. 99, 10245 Berlin, Germany
About the event
PodFest Berlin 2023
Pick the pass you'd like: Half Day or Full Festival
- You'll have access for the duration of the pass and entry to all sessions on a first come first seated basis.
- To reserve your place in advance for any session: add individual seats to your purchase.
Friday Oct 13: Opening Night
7pm-11pm: "Sounds Amazing" PodFest Berlin's Party
Saturday Oct 14:
10:30am until 4:00pm: Afternoon 1/2-Day Pass
4:00pm until 9:30pm: Evening 1/2-DayPass
Sunday Oct 15:
10:30am until 4:00pm: Afternoon 1/2-Day Pass
4:00pm until 9:30pm: Evening 1/2-Day Pass
- Friday Pass: €8
- SAT or SUN 1/2 Day Passes: €10 (adv) or €12 at door
- FULL Festival PASS: €42 ... Early Bird (Until Sep 20): €37!
- - Passes do not include seat reservations for individual sessions (€1-€12)
- EXTRA DELUXE PASS: €90 ... Early Bird (Until Sep 20): €60!
- (Full Weekend PLUS guaranteed seating to all sessions WITH front of line admission AND goodie bag)
Noisy Rooms at the House of Music
On the RAW Gelände
Revaler Str. 99, 10245 Berlin, Germany
Don't see what you are looking for?
Additional bundles and special ticketing available via the festival's main page.
PodFest Berlin 2023 Full Weekend Pass Festival Access: Friday 6pm-10:30pm Saturday + Sunday: 10:30am-10:30pm First Come First Seated Admission to all sessions and events in entry period. Individual session seats may be reserved individually. PodFest Berlin 2023 Wochenendpass Festival Zugang: Freitag 18:00 - 22:30 Uhr Samstag + Sonntag 10:30-22:30 Uhr Erster Zugang, erster Sitzplatz für alle Veranstaltungen im Einlasszeitraum. Einzelne Session-Plätze können individuell reserviert werden.
From €37.00 to €42.00Sale ended- €37.00+€0.93 ticket service fee
- €42.00+€1.05 ticket service fee
SPECIAL PodFest Berlin 2023 Full Weekend Pass Festival Access: Friday 6pm-10:30pm Saturday + Sunday: 10:30am-10:30pm (Full Weekend PLUS guaranteed seating to all sessions WITH front of line admission AND goodie bag) SPECIAL PodFest Berlin 2023 Voller Wochenendpass "LOVE" Zugang zum Festival: Freitag: 18:00-10:30 Uhr Samstag + Sonntag: 10:30-10:30 Uhr (Komplettes Wochenende PLUS garantierte Sitzplätze zu allen Sessions am ANFANG der Schlange UND Goodie Bag)
From €65.00 to €90.00Sale ended- €65.00+€1.63 ticket service fee
- €90.00+€2.25 ticket service fee
PodFest Berlin 2023 Friday Night Pass Festival Access Friday 6pm - 10:30pm First Come First Seated Admission to all sessions and events in entry period. Individual session seats may be reserved individually. PodFest Berlin 2023 Freitagabend-Pass Festivalzugang Freitag 18:00 - 22:30 Uhr Zuerst kommen, dann sitzen - Zutritt zu allen Sessions und Veranstaltungen im Eintrittszeitraum. Einzelne Session-Plätze können individuell reserviert werden.
€8.00+€0.20 ticket service feeSale ended1/2 Day Pass: SAT Afternoon
Festival Pass: Samstag/Saturday 10:30 - 16:00 Access all sessions in entry period: First come, first seated. Seats may also be reserved for individual sessions. Zugang zu allen Sitzungen innerhalb des Zeitraums: Erster Zugang, erster Sitzplatz. Sitzplätze sind für einzelne Sitzungen reservierbar.
€10.00+€0.25 ticket service feeSale ended1/2 Day Pass: SAT EVENING
PodFest Berlin 2023 Saturday EVENING Pass Festival Access Saturday 4:00pm until 10:30pm (1/2 DAY) First Come First Seated Admission to all sessions and events in entry period. PodFest Berlin 2023 Samstag-Abend-Pass Individual session seats may be reserved individually. Festivalzugang Samstag 16:00 bis 22:30 Uhr (1/2 TAG) Wer zuerst kommt, mahlt zuerst. Zutritt zu allen Sessions und Veranstaltungen im Eintrittszeitraum. Einzelne Session-Plätze können individuell reserviert werden.
€10.00+€0.25 ticket service feeSale ended1/2 Day Pass: SUN Afternoon
PodFest Berlin 2023 Sunday Daytime/Afternoon Pass Festival Access Saturday 10:30am until 4:00pm (1/2 Day Pass) First Come First Seated Admission to all events within entry period. Individual session seats may be reserved individually. PodFest Berlin 2023 Sonntag Tages-/Nachmittagspass Festivalzugang Samstag 10:30 bis 16:00 Uhr (1/2 Tagespass) Wer zuerst kommt, mahlt zuerst. Zutritt zu allen Sessions und Veranstaltungen im Eintrittszeitraum. Einzelne Session-Plätze können individuell reserviert.
€10.00+€0.25 ticket service feeSale ended1/2 Day Pass: SUN EVENING
PodFest Berlin 2023 Sunday EVENING Pass Festival Access Saturday 4:00pm until 10:30pm (1/2 DAY) First Come First Seated Admission to all sessions and events in entry period. PodFest Berlin 2023 Sonntag-Abend-Pass Individual session seats may be reserved individually. Festivalzugang Sonntag 16:00 bis 22:30 Uhr (1/2 TAG) Wer zuerst kommt, mahlt zuerst. Zutritt zu allen Sessions und Veranstaltungen im Eintrittszeitraum. Einzelne Session-Plätze können individuell reserviert werden.
€10.00+€0.25 ticket service feeSale endedTEMPLATE: SAT EVENING SEAT
Short Description (EN)/ (DE) Date Door Recording Time Seat Reservation Only (Requires Festival Pass)
€2.00+€0.05 ticket service feeSold OutTemplate: SUN AM - SEAT
Short Description (EN)/ (DE) Date Seating Begins: Recording at: (Promptly!) Seat Reservation Only (Requires Festival Pass)
€2.00+€0.05 ticket service feeSale endedBad Gays Podcast - SEAT
Join Hosts Ben Miller and Huw Lemmey for a LIVE AUDIENCE taping of "Bad Gays": A podcast about evil and complicated queers in history. Seating Begins: 10:30am Recording: 11:00am (promptly!) Seat reservation ONLY (Requires Festival Pass)
€12.00+€0.30 ticket service feeSale endedThe Worst - Podcast (EN) SEAT
"The Worst" Podcast Taping Saturday OCT 14 Seating Begins: 10:50am Recording: 11:00am (Promptly) Seat Reservation Only (Requires Festival Pass)
€2.00+€0.05 ticket service feeSale endedMixtape Menage - Seat
Mixtape Menage is a Berlin based platform dedicated to the artists, musicians, creators and cultural facilitators of the world! Saturday, Oct 14 at 18:15 Seat Reservation Only (Requires Festival Pass - Saturday Evening)
€1.00+€0.03 ticket service feeSale endedCommon Ground Berlin
Every week, host Soraya Sarhaddi Nelson brings together prominent guests from all walks of life to tackle questions on everything from local to transatlantic topics.
€2.00+€0.05 ticket service feeSale endedFRI PM -Seat Template
[Podcast Name and Description] Friday OCT 13 Seating Begins: XX:XXa/pm Recording: XX:XXa/pm (promptly) Seat Reservation Only (Requires Festival Pass)
€2.00+€0.05 ticket service feeSold OutThe Dead Ladies Show Podcast
The Dead Ladies Show Podcast celebrates women — both overlooked and iconic — who achieved amazing things against all odds while they were alive, through women’s history storytelling on stage in Berlin and beyond.
€2.00+€0.05 ticket service feeSold OutIt's Mental! Podcast
There is a lot of pain and a lot of shame associated with mental illnesses. It’s Mental! is going to help by talking about it openly with a light tone and make jokes about it.
€2.00+€0.05 ticket service feeSale endedAdults Only
Comedian Anna Beros talks all things 'adults only' with comedians in Berlin. Famous for debauchery and not yet famous for continental Europe’s biggest English language standup scene, Berlin has a lot of sex and a lot of comedy. Sex positive and brutally honest chats with funny people every week.
€2.00+€0.05 ticket service feeSale endedStarke Frauen
Mutige, liebenswerte, STARKE FRAUEN, die Vorbilder nicht nur für Mädchen und Frauen sind – es gibt sie hier im Podcast aus der Sicht von Cathrin und Kim. In jeder Folge erzählen die beiden die Geschichte einer Frau, die inspiriert und Mut macht.
€2.00+€0.05 ticket service feeSale endedBeyond Asian
The Third Culture is what emerges at the intersection between your culture of origin, and the other.
€2.00+€0.05 ticket service feeSale endedMegan's Megacan
It's a German news podcast in English, because the news is hard enough without it being all in German. Also involves canned cocktails. As seen on Exberliner.com, Twitter (@megansmegacan), and YouTube.
€2.00+€0.05 ticket service feeSold OutLavendel fürs Ohr
Untrendiger Comedy Trend- Podcast von Hendrik Brehmer, Sinan Kutscher und Stephan Rosenau, drei aufstrebenden Newcomer Comedians und grauenhaften Textern für Beschreibungen von Podcasts.
€2.00+€0.05 ticket service feeSale endedThe New Speed
Building community
€2.00+€0.05 ticket service feeSale endedUnsigned Podcast
A weekly podcast dedicated to promoting independent artists based in Berlin. We interview a new guest each week about their musical origins, creative process, and any other interesting topics surrounding their current projects. Every guest is an artist that has chosen to go the independent path.
€2.00+€0.05 ticket service feeSale endedTemplate: SUN PM
Name and (Description) Date Seating Begins: Podcast Recording: Seat Reservation Only (Requires Festival Pass)
€2.00+€0.05 ticket service feeSale endedField Recording Fundamentals
2 part session! Participants will master the art of field recording and sound-scaping to turn their audio projects into immersive listening experiences. Part 1: Jill and Julia of Bear Radio teach participants how to train their ears, understand the fundamentals of recording and build soundscapes. Part 2: Participants are led through taking recorded sounds from their field recorder, or phone, to their computer and Digital Audio Workstation. Sat Oct 14 Doors: 10:50am Duration 2 hours
€2.00+€0.05 ticket service feeSale endedTalking Bodies Podcast Taping
Talking Bodies sind wir. Wir sind sprechende Körper. Wir erklären Euch, wieso sich Getränke bestellen wie Flirten anfühlen kann, warum bei Parties erst einmal alle am Rand stehen und warum wir nicht nur mit dem Mund sprechen. Von Begrüßungen in Pandemiezeiten über Metaphern in der Alltagssprache bis hin zu Emojis auf Twitter – wir werfen ein Licht auf ganz verschiedene Alltagspraktiken.
€2.00+€0.05 ticket service feeSale endedPot Luck Food Talks
After 15 years of working in some of the best restaurants in the world, Phil & Eric have a lot of stories to tell and things to set straight! Put Luck Food Talks are unfiltered, unapologetic conversations about food, the crazy stories inside Michelin Star kitchens, and anything involving the search for the most delicious dishes.
€2.00+€0.05 ticket service feeSale endedNarrative Journalism Panel
€2.00+€0.05 ticket service feeSale ended"Sounds Amazing" Party
Berlin's Opening Party
Pay what you want+Ticket service feeSale endedWochendämmerung Podcast Taping
Holger Klein und Katrin Rönicke – zwei meinungsstarke Stimmen in einem Podcast. Jede Woche fassen sie alle nötigen Ereignisse zusammen, von denen man gehört haben sollte, um auf der Party am Wochenende mitreden zu können. Haareraufen, Schlagabtausch, Geläster – und hin und wieder sogar tief schürfende Analysen und philosophische Ausflüge.
€2.00+€0.05 ticket service feeSale endedBuilding Branded Podcasts
€2.00+€0.05 ticket service feeSale ended"What's the Mate?" Podcast
What's The Mate? is a completely improvised show where a rotating cast of improvisers turn the wacky Berlin tales into long-form hilarity!
€2.00+€0.05 ticket service feeSale endedSh1t in Sh1t out Workshop
€2.00+€0.05 ticket service feeSale endedPodcasts and Future of News
Leading news podcasters and producers discuss how to make a great news podcast, and how podcasts are changing news.
€2.00+€0.05 ticket service feeSale endedHarry Potter Podcast Taping
Begleiten Sie Sophia und Martin bei der Aufnahme von "Happy Potter" vor einem Live-Publikum beim PodFest Berlin (Auf Deutsch)
€2.00+€0.05 ticket service feeSale endedStreamlining Your Production
€2.00+€0.05 ticket service feeSale endedCorner Späti Podcast Taping
Corner Späti is a podcast about the dumb Asian peninsula posing as a continent, Europe.
€2.00+€0.05 ticket service feeSold Out“Seeking Talent" with Babbel
€2.00+€0.05 ticket service feeSale endedMemorable Storytelling
This panel of multi award winning narrative podcast producers discuss what makes narratives successful, distinctive and able to leave a lasting impact on their audience.
€2.00+€0.05 ticket service feeSale endedPlayful Podcast
€2.00+€0.05 ticket service feeSale endedHow I Make "Witness History"
A masterclass in making an edition of the BBC Witness History programme.
€2.00+€0.05 ticket service feeSale endedFlicks ‘n’ Scoops Screening
Flicks 'n' Scoops mashes together films and ice cream into one coherent mess. Each episode a guest is invited to choose a film, the host, Ash, then makes an ice cream inspired by the film which the pair eat together whilst discussing the film, ice cream, and anything in between.
€2.00+€0.05 ticket service feeSale endedBerlin Spoken Word Podcast
€2.00+€0.05 ticket service feeSale endedBalance ton FLE
€2.00+€0.05 ticket service feeSale endedPodcasting and Academia Panel
Offering scholars a platform to share their research and analysis with peers and wider audiences.
€2.00+€0.05 ticket service feeSale endedHinter Den Zeilen
Wir sind Nachwuchsjournalisten und Arbeiterkinder und teilen in diesem monatlichen Podcast unsere Erfahrungen. Hinter den Zeilen steht für einen kritischen Blick auf Journalismus und die Branche aus Nachwuchssicht.
€2.00+€0.05 ticket service feeSale endedStarting a Podcast Label
€2.00+€0.05 ticket service feeSale endedSpreedevous Podcast Taping
€2.00+€0.05 ticket service feeSale endedBoys Club: Hinter den Kulissen
Der 8-teilige Storytelling-Podcast "Boys Club – Macht und Missbrauch bei Axel Springer" fragt, wie der ehemalige BILD-Chef Julian Reichelt seine Macht so lange missbrauchen konnte. Dazu blickt er hinter die Fassade des wohl mächtigsten Medienkonzerns in Deutschland: den Axel Springer Verlag. Und lässt erstmals Menschen ausführlich erzählen, die den mutmaßlichen Machtmissbrauch im Hause Springer selbst erlebt haben.
€2.00+€0.05 ticket service feeSale endedSSLP Lifestyle Podcast Taping
Savane Sauvage Lifestyle Podcast ist ein Berliner Podcast von Joel und Freddy. Zwei schwarze Jungs aus Berlin, die aktuelle Themen aus der Kultur kommentieren. Sei es unteranderem Musik, Tanz, Hip Hop, Sport oder aktuelle afrikanische News, werden wir da sein, um alles mit Humor zu kommentieren.
€2.00+€0.05 ticket service feeSold OutSSLP Lifestyle Podcast Taping
Savane Sauvage Lifestyle Podcast ist ein Berliner Podcast von Joel und Freddy. Zwei schwarze Jungs aus Berlin, die aktuelle Themen aus der Kultur kommentieren. Sei es unteranderem Musik, Tanz, Hip Hop, Sport oder aktuelle afrikanische News, werden wir da sein, um alles mit Humor zu kommentieren.
€2.00+€0.05 ticket service feeSold Out